Finding Home

FINDING HOME tells the extraordinary story of Yousef Mohammadi, who as a young Afghani boy was forced to flee from his home country to avoid the dangers of war.

In this contemporary documentary a combination of live action footage is used alongside animation to share the emotive and inspiring story of how Yousef embarked on a journey to find his place in the world. From the moment he was smuggled out of Afghanistan, he was instantly displaced physically, culturally and emotionally as his journey took him to Pakistan, Iran, India and finally Australia during which he suffered and experienced an array of harrowing events that threatened his very existence. His one solace throughout was the sense of dreaming and escapism provided by his love of football. The sport offered an escape from the atrocities around him, and in FINDING HOME we offer a meditative account of Yousef's life as we see, hear and feel how football gave him a chance to dream, escape and ultimately find hope to not only save his life, but also inspire him to use his experience to help others.

Screenplay by Lester Jones
Lester Jones
Youssef Mohamaddi
11 mins

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  • Documentary Showcase – Part 2

    10 Jun 1:00 PM

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  • Moving Portraits

    15 Jun 3:00 PM

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